
About Me

This is me :)

Hello! I´m Heggie (well, it´s a nickname from when I was little).
Recently I´ve started searching about natural skincare and haircare. And I thought I´d share what I´ve found out in this blog. I love the Ayurvedic (ancient Indian beauty methods) beauty and some of my favourite products were frequently used in the Ayurvedic beauty regime.

I guess the reason why I got interested in natural beauty is because I´ve suffered from mild/moderate acne for two years. This summer I literarily spent several hundred pounds on facials and products from Dermalogica, and guess what..... it did not work. I was so upset and felt like a complete fool wasting so much money on rubbish...
Then I started researching natural options that also are a lot cheaper than the ones you buy in Boots and etc.

Even though I´ve only been using the various products for a couple of weeks, I can see a huge difference and there are almost only scars (red marks) and only a few spots :)
Will let you know in a while if my face has cleared up completely.

Hope you find my tips useful :)

Love, Heggie

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