
Wednesday 21 November 2012

DIY: Miracle Cinnamon and Honey Face Mask

This is the recipe for one of the best face masks ever! It consists of only two ingredients; honey and cinnamon. These are both really good at treating acne and getting rid of scars. The honey is one of nature´s best moisturisers and it really balances the skin and gives it deep moisture as well as healing scars. Cinnamon is naturally anti-bacterial and really clears up your skin. This mask has helped me so much with my skin, I cannot live without it. If you suffer from acne, after trying it, you wont be able to live without it either :) Keep on reading to find out the recipe...

What you need:
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • small bowl
  • spoon
Put the cinnamon in your bowl and add the honey. Mix well in to a paste. Apply quite a thick layer all over your face (even if you haven´t got spots all over your face it´s still really cleansing and moisturising). Let it sit for as long as you have time for, but at least half an hour.
Do this every day and you will see a significant notice within a week.
The paste should look like this

Enjoy beautiful and clear skin!

Love, Heggie

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