
Friday 14 December 2012

DIY: Long Thick Hair

Hello again! Basically every girl wants long, thick and smooth hair. I am certainly one of them... A couple of months ago I found this all-natural hair mask on the internet. I thought I´d try it as I had all the ingredients and... wow! It is soooo good! I have curly hair so I know that it works great on that too, and doesn´t ruine your volume or curls. Your hair is left with a healthy shine that doesn´t look greasy.

What you need:
  • 1/2 tsp coconut oil
  • 1/2 tsp castor oil
  • 1/2 tsp almond oil
  • 1/2 tsp olive oil (optional)
Mix the oils together in a jug/cup. If you have very greasy hair you can leave out the olive oil. Heat up the oils in the microwave for about 15s. Comb your hair and massage most of the oil on your scalp and apply the rest to the lenghts, paying special attention to the ends, and fasten your hair in a pony tail. 

Leave the oil in for as long as you have time for. I often tie a scarf round my head and sleep with the oil in my hair, and wash it out in the morning.

You should see immediate shine and smoothness to your hair. After approximately six weeks you should notice your hair growing faster and also thicker. But remember, for some people this might work a treat and for others maybe not. But even so, your hair will be much healthier and you won´t have to cut it as often, i.e., it will grow more!

Love, Heggie

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