
Wednesday 21 November 2012

DIY: Miracle Cinnamon and Honey Face Mask

This is the recipe for one of the best face masks ever! It consists of only two ingredients; honey and cinnamon. These are both really good at treating acne and getting rid of scars. The honey is one of nature´s best moisturisers and it really balances the skin and gives it deep moisture as well as healing scars. Cinnamon is naturally anti-bacterial and really clears up your skin. This mask has helped me so much with my skin, I cannot live without it. If you suffer from acne, after trying it, you wont be able to live without it either :) Keep on reading to find out the recipe...

Monday 19 November 2012

Essential Oils For Different Moods

We all love essential oils, and have our favourites, but sometimes we´re not sure what essential oil we should use for different occasions. Different essential oils create different atmospheres. For instance, Lavender oil promotes restfulness. 
Keep on reading to find out more!

Wednesday 14 November 2012

DIY: Homemade Detox Drinks

Detox drinks are one one of the best things you can give your body. They cleanse your body from all the toxins, help you in losing weight, improve your skin, hair and nails, strengthen your immune system, give you more energy and improve your overall body functioning. Pretty great right?

I always drink a detox drink before i go to sleep, as my tummy is empty and the drink is more effective. Then in the morning I drink another one, at least half an hour before I eat breakfast. 

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Getting My Hair Cut

Today I had my hair cut. I cut about 2 inches, and now it´s a more V-shape.
Recently I´ve started using mainly ecological products and today I went to an ecological beauty place. They used natural herbs and oils plus I got an Indian scalp massage. They also put argan oil in my hair so it´s really shiny and smooth. My hair is sooo lovely now! :D
Here are some before and after pictures:

Monday 12 November 2012

DIY: How to Brighten your Complexion

This is my daily routine to keep my complexion even and light. I have naturally very pale skin, but my face often gets red (I also have mild acne). My secret ingredient is turmeric. It´s actually a root similar to ginger, but is ground to a powder. this powder has been a common beauty must-have in India for several centuries, and I can understand why. It not only brightens your complexion, but also fights spots and gets rid os acne scars. Pretty great!


I mix a pinch of turmeric powder and 1 tbsp of milk in a little bowl. then apply the mixture to my face and rub it in like a facial cleanser. After approx. 1 min I wash it off and wash my face with a natural cleanser (I currently use one from REN). I follow up with a toner (homemade sea salt toner) and moisturise. 

Doing this every day keeps my skin really nice. Since I leave it on for such a short time. my skin doesn´t really get coloured yellow (which happens when you use to much turmeric for to long). any yellowish tone disappears with the face wash and toner.

Please comment if you´ve tried this and if it worked for you!

Love Heggie

The Introduction


OK, this blog is completely new. I´m going to write about all sorts of beauty tricks focusing largely on ancient beauty secrets from Asia. 
I have only recently become interested in natural beauty, and I´ve got to tell you... IT WORKS so much better than the modern man-made things. 
Will post more soon!